Bronze pin of very large example having a mushroom type finial and tightly banded ring decoration on the upper portion of the pin.
Background: These pins are comprised of two different groupings of Western Persian pins: the first consists of those with simple cast heads depicting discs, domes, cones, and other basically geometric shapes, fruit and floral shapes, and zoomorphic shapes. These types of pins were common in Luristan as well as other areas of western Persia.
Reference: P.R.S. Mooney, Catalogue of the Ancient Persian Bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971, pgs 172-215.
Dimensions: Length: 12 inches (30.48 cm)
Condition: Intact and in overall good condition, custom mounted.
Provenance: Estate collection of Nourollah Elghanayan , NYC., acquired 1960s - 70s.